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Improving effectiveness of approaches to achieve hauora Maori

3 months
Approved budget:
Hereni Marshall
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Ngā Kanohi Kitea Development Grant
Lay summary
Maori have a high burden of disease associated with high rates of cardio-metabolic diseases. Outcomes can be improved by lifestyle changes. This pilot study will examine the effectiveness of an approach (Appreciate Inquiry (AI)) to improve hauora (health) by empowering whanau (family) to take control of their wellbeing by finding their own solutions for making sustainable lifestyle changes compatible with lowering cardiometabolic risk. We aim to examine the strengths and challenges of using AI approaches to improve hauora Maori through consultation with a Maori community group. In collaboration with community-identified leaders, we will develop a whanau-tailored lifestyle change programme to improve health outcomes. AI approaches involving positive, face-to-face interactions between research facilitators and whanau, and storytelling will be used. The programme will be delivered by the community leaders in whanau settings. We will assess programme effectiveness by assessing change in nutrition-related health and wellbeing outcomes over 12 months.