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Lower limb immobility and VTE risk: investigating preventive measures

36 months
Approved budget:
Dr Irene Braithwaite
Health issue:
Physical activity/exercise
Proposal type:
Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Lay summary
My career goal is to become an academic physician undertaking full-time clinical research in New Zealand. The opportunity to undertake a PhD in clinical research is crucial to achieving this goal. This research programme is in three parts. Part 1 will determine the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) associated with occupational seated immobility and lower limb cast immobilisation. Part 2 will determine the efficacy of novel non-pharmacological interventions to increase lower limb venous blood flow. Part 3 will assess the feasibility of these novel interventions in these situations. Part 1: A case-control study of VTE risk factors. Part 2: Two randomised controlled trials of novel devices on lower limb haemodynamics. Part 3: Three feasibility studies using the novel devices in sedentary occupations and lower limb cast immobility. Further understanding of these risk factors and the efficacy of novel preventive measures has the potential to reduce the burden of VTE in New Zealand.