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Addressing the COVID-19 impacts upon Māori with mental illness

12 months
Approved budget:
Dr Maria Baker
Health issue:
Mental health (and sleep disorders)
Proposal type:
Māori Community Action Grant
Lay summary
Pandemics disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. Māori with serious mental illness who receive care through the public mental health system could have been the hardest affected in regard to COVID-19. Strategies created during COVID-19 entailed virtual methods to provide psychosocial support, in addition to broad public health campaigns that promoted public-facing materials to address emotional distress and promote wellbeing. There were policies to mitigate negative health and economic outcomes of COVID-19. Yet, there were few strategies focused upon people with serious mental illness, uniquely high risk, to minimise adverse outcomes from the pandemic. There is no evidence about the impact of COVID-19 upon Māori with pre-existing mental health issues, nor of the psychological impact of COVID-19 or the Government's public health precautionary measures on Māori. This study will be led by Māori Lived Experience Leaders to identify the impacts of COVID-19 on Māori.