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Modelling the health and equity impacts of a range of dietary policies in NZ

48 months
Approved budget:
Dr Cristina Cleghorn
Dr Anja Mizdrak
Dr Linda Cobiac
Dr William Kaye-Blake
Health issue:
Proposal type:
Sir Charles Hercus Fellowship
Lay summary
I have a BSc, MSc and PhD in nutrition and have been modelling the potential health and equity impacts of dietary policy in NZ since I started working for the Department of Public Health (University of Otago) in 2014. I have 56 publications and a Scopus H index of 22. The research outlined in this Fellowship uses the World Cancer Research Fund’s NOURISHING framework, alongside NZ specific criteria, to select a variety of dietary policies to model. It improves modelling methods and estimates the impact these policies could have on chronic disease incidence in NZ. It goes on to pilot how this research can best be disseminated to increase understanding of modelling results and their uptake by policy makers. Providing evidence to encourage changes in nutrition policy has the potential to reduce chronic disease in NZ and health inequities between Māori and non-Māori.