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Te Maramataka - restoring 'health' by reconnecting with Te Taiao

36 months
Approved budget:
Dr Isaac Warbrick
Mr Rereata Makiha
Professor Helen Moewaka Barnes
Dr Valance Smith
Mr Garth Harmsworth
Professor Jeroen Douwes
Professor Christopher Cunningham
Kalei Nuuhiwa
Mrs Davina Thompson
Ms Ayla Hoeta
Health issue:
Environmental health
Proposal type:
Māori Health Project
Lay summary
Korero tuku iho are replete with references to the connection between hauora and te taiao (the environment). Western science has also revealed a clear connection between human health and engagement in natural environments. Modern lifestyles are characterised by a disconnection from the natural environment and its natural rhythms. The maramataka is a system our tūpuna used to connect environmental tohu to certain activities – some days were better for intense work, while others were considered ideal for rest and ‘giving back’. Ultimately, the maramataka provides a way to engage with different environments in a culturally relevant, and uniquely Māori way. This study aims to (1) identify and explore current initiatives that use te maramataka and environmental ‘kōrero tuku iho’ to improve hauora, (2) co-design a maramataka-based ‘intervention’ that will support Māori to connect with te taiao in uniquely Māori ways, and (3) measure the impact of engaging with te taiao.