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Tickling cancer cells to provoke an antitumour immune response

57 months
Approved budget:
Dr Muhammad Hanif
Professor Christian Hartinger
Professor Rod Dunbar
Health issue:
Cancer (oncology)
Proposal type:
Sir Charles Hercus Fellowship
Lay summary
The goal of the project is to find new therapeutic strategies to re-programme immunologically unresponsive so-called ‘cold’ cancers. The objectives of this research are to identify sub-lethal doses of metal-based anticancer agents that can induce a specific signalling pathway which recruits and activates antigen presenting cells. This will allow the detection of cancer cells by the immune system, thus making dormant tumours responsive to immunotherapy. This work will lead to the identification of new anticancer agents that will guide the development of immunotherapy that can find use in combination with checkpoint inhibitors or other cancer therapies.